Should You Offer Pilates for Employees?
The Pilates Method
Because physical fitness is the basis for a healthy, functional and youthful body, everyone benefits from a calmer and more positive sense of well-being. Exercise in itself provides a sense of well-being, but to gain and loss of excess fat and inches the whole body must go through changes. The Pilates method is an exercise program that combines passive and active stretching of all the body’s major muscle groups with only the body weight. It can be done anywhere, anytime. No equipment necessary. It brings about a sense of inner peace. The balance between stretching and building strength is achieved through using your breath energy, controlled exhalation and active flexion to generate strength.
Everyone has seen silhouette of a person who has undergone some form of stretching exercises. Impressive, isn’t it? Some of the most common stretching exercises are lunges, bridges, toe touches, side bends, side twists, torso twists, leg raises, cable extensions, side bends, single leg and Double Leg calf raises. Noted an instructor from Mind and Motion an Online and Los Angeles pilates studio. All these stretches are done with the body weight and without using any equipment. Once you master these stretches, you can easily move on to a few more exercises.
Pilates traces its roots back to Joseph Pilates inital period (“1830-1890”), but the physical Institutes were rededicated and re-organized in creches decades ago. Pilates is now recognized as Joseph Pilates Maximal Strength Method. In the early works, Joseph Pilates stressed the …